Custom Playing Cards
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This project was worked on to create custom playing cards. For this project, I focused on using practicing the Gestalt Principles. After the creation of these cards, I wanted to incorporate this with a UI to make a card sorting app. I created the UI in Figma, as well as prototyping the interactions. Below are the final designs of my project, followed by the process taken to create the project.
Final Design
Final Design + App UI
To add a card, tap the green plus icon to add a new card
To delete a card, swipe up on a card and tap the red box.
View All
To View all cards in this screen, tap the sun icon. Tap again to collapse the cards.
Filter & Sort
Tap the filter button on the top right, the filter screen will show up. Allowing you to filter the cards by value and suit. It also allows the user to sort the cards from ascending or descending. To close this screen, tap the close on the top right.
Prototype “Noodles”
To navigate the prototype, follow the script:
Delete any card Add the card back Click filter button. Filter between 11 and 9. Change Ace Value to 1 Change Ace Value back to 11 Change filter to between 11 and 1 Change filter to between 8 and 1 Change filter to between 8 and 4
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